Our goal is to help people fully engage with their own health and well-being.

Network of Care

The Network of Care utilizes the Internet for social good by providing fast and easy access to comprehensive community services, information, support, and assistance on a localized level to millions of people nationwide. The goal of the Network of Care is to ensure "No Wrong Door" exists for those in need of social services and to provide trusted information for anyone interested in making better decisions about the health and well-being of themselves and those around them.

Today, the Network of Care is the largest government-sponsored, community-based online platform in the country. With hundreds of websites covering over half the nation and more than two decades of experience, the Network of Care is uniquely positioned to assist state and county governments across the country. Whether it is the opioid crisis, access to local information and resources, emergency information, basic needs, online training, or care coordination, the Network of Care can help.

Beyond Behavioral Health, the Network of Care offers portals for: Seniors & People with Disabilities; Developmental Disabilities; Domestic Violence; Children and Families; Post-Incarceration Reentry; Veterans, Service Members & Their Families; Public Health Assessment and Wellness; and Homeless Services. There is simply no other competitive program with the Network of Care’s breadth and depth of features, functionality, and flexibility necessary to meet the needs of our communities at the state and local levels.

The Network of Care was specifically recommended to all states and counties by the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, and has been approved for funding by name in the most recent SAMHSA guidance for the Mental Health Block Grant under the American Rescue Plan. The Network of Care is provided in partnership with the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors and the National Association of County Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Directors.


Network of Care provides a comprehensive information solution for consumers and other stakeholders at the local, state and national level in the health and human services arena.


Unlimited publishing, community-calendar management, and management of all custom pages. Personalize and publish articles, resources and tools that directly relate to your community’s needs.

Assembles more than 30,000 high-quality articles, fact sheets, and interactive tools on more than 4,000 physical- and mental-health topics. Articles are easily available for online viewing, printing, posting and emailing. Trilogy continually maintains, updates and expands Library content.

More than 20,000 websites for city, county, state and national government agencies and nonprofit organizations. Trilogy continually maintains, updates and expands Links content.

Creates an account for content personalization, personal health records, emergency cards, health directives, and more.

Resources and references for general opioid information, including education and harm-reduction techniques.

Enables Call Center staff to record and track information about a client’s specific and unmet needs. Customize fields for data collection, make direct referrals to providers, and produce the reports you need.

A comprehensive, customized database that enables case managers and clients to quickly locate local programs and services and make informed choices about what they need.

  • Includes, but is not limited to, all licensed facilities, all direct or contracted services, all target-population-specific services, all basic needs, and supportive local services.
  • A web-based application, or “widget,” that enables visitors to add search functionality to any blog or website. Widgets provide search results specific to each service area.
  • "Near Me" functionality that enables Service Directory visitors using mobile devices to search for listings with GPS enabled.
  • A Guided Search feature that assists visitors in identifying the specific services they need.
  • All emergency information, including crisis mobile-response teams, psychiatric emergency rooms, and emergency-room services.
  • Survey ratings for home health agencies, skilled nursing facilities, and hospitals.
  • A regional database of physicians, searchable by ZIP and focused on behavioral-health specialties.

Access to national, state and local crisis lines and treatment centers, tools for creating prevention plans, and support for loved ones.

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Press Releases

Network of Care Is Qualified Expenditure in Latest SAMHSA Guidelines


On the eve of our 20th anniversary, the Network of Care is honored to be recognized by SAMHSA as a qualified expenditure in its recent guidelines for the American Rescue Plan’s $1.5 billion Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) appropriation.

On the eve of our 20th anniversary, the Network of Care is honored to be recognized by SAMHSA as a qualified expenditure in its recent guidelines for the American Rescue Plan’s $1.5 billion Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) appropriation.

In this four-year grant, SAMHSA explicitly encourages states to use MHBG funding for infrastructure development, as long as the intent of the infrastructure supports or benefits persons with serious mental illness or severe emotional disturbance (SMI-SED). The Network of Care assists persons with SMI-SED in finding treatment, support, awareness, education and other resources necessary for recovery:

Consider digital platforms, such as Network of Care, which facilitate access to behavioral health services for persons with SMI-SED (Please see page 2, bullet #7).

If you are interested in learning more about how the Network of Care can help your local jurisdiction during these challenging times, please contact Pam Frank at (415) 257-2407 or pam@trilogyir.com

Loudoun County, Virginia, Procures the Network of Care for Its Behavioral Health Community

9/9/2024 12:00:00 AM

Loudoun County, Va., has contracted with the Network of Care to bring its Behavioral Health program to the mental-health and substance-use community.

Loudoun County, Va., has contracted with the Network of Care to bring its Behavioral Health program to the mental-health and substance-use community. The county plans to implement the Network of Care to provide access to: 

  1. A comprehensive directory of services, including all basic needs, social determinants of health, treatments, recovery, and support
  2. Educational resources with more than 30,000 peer-reviewed articles
  3. Resources and support for the Opioid Crisis
  4. Resources and support for Suicide Prevention
  5. Resources and support for Disaster Relief
  6. Care Coordination tools, and much more

 The Network of Care is the largest government-sponsored behavioral health network in the country, active in 26 states with more than a few hundred local sites nationwide. The program is an approved expenditure under SAMHSA’s Mental Health Block Grant and recommended to all grantees within the guidelines of ARPA. (Please see page 2, bullet #7)

The Network of Care for Behavioral Health program is expected to launch in Loudoun County this winter. For more information on how your county may benefit from the Network of Care, please contact Pam Frank at pfrank@trilogyir.com or (415) 257-2407.

New Network of Care Program for Homelessness Launches in Texas


The State of Texas launched the most comprehensive platform aimed at ending homelessness in the country on Feb. 19. With more than 20,000 provider records, a one-of-a-kind guided searchclothing and hygiene assistance, and much more, the Network of Care for Homeless Resources program helps persons at every stage of housing instability, frontline workers, and the rest of the caregiver community combat homelessness by emphasizing local mental-health and substance-use services along with basic needs and social determinants of health.

The State of Texas launched the most comprehensive platform aimed at ending homelessness in the country on Feb. 19. With more than 20,000 provider records, a one-of-a-kind guided searchclothing and hygiene assistance, and much more, the Network of Care for Homeless Resources program helps persons at every stage of housing instability, frontline workers, and the rest of the caregiver community combat homelessness by emphasizing local mental-health and substance-use services along with basic needs and social determinants of health.

The Network of Care is poised to assist stakeholders in Texas – the second most populous state in the nation, with the 5th highest homelessness rate – in supporting the unhoused population by offering a user-friendly online program that brings together resources from across the state. Ensuring that all communities have access to all resources available at the local level, this program serves as a national model for state and local authorities seeking to improve the lives of their homeless population. The Network of Care also provides much needed support to outreach workers on the ground.

To learn more about how this breakthrough program can aid your local community, please contact Pam Frank at (415) 257-2407 or pfrank@trilogyir.com.

North Carolina Procures the Network of Care for Its Behavioral Health Community

1/18/2024 12:00:00 AM

RALEIGH, N.C. – The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has contracted with the Network of Care to bring its Behavioral Health program to the mental-health and substance-use community. 

RALEIGH, N.C. – The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has contracted with the Network of Care to bring its Behavioral Health program to the mental-health and substance-use community. 

Taking advantage of ARPA funding, the state plans to implement the Network of Care to provide access to:

  1. A comprehensive directory of services, including all basic needs, social determinants of health, treatments, recovery, and support
  2. Educational resources with more than 30,000 peer-reviewed articles
  3. Resources and support for the Opioid Crisis
  4. Resources and support for Suicide Prevention
  5. Resources and support for Disaster Relief
  6. Care Coordination tools, and much more

The Network of Care is the largest government-sponsored, local behavioral health network in the country. The program is an approved expenditure under SAMHSA’s Mental Health Block Grant and recommended to all grantees within the guidelines of ARPA. (Please see page 2, bullet #7)

The Network of Care for Behavioral Health program is expected to launch in North Carolina in spring of 2024. 

For more information on how your state may benefit from the Network of Care, please contact Pam Frank at pfrank@trilogyir.com or (415) 257-2407.

Our Partners


National organization representing state executives responsible for the public mental health service delivery system serving millions of people annually in all 50 states, 6 territories and Pacific Jurisdictions, and the District of Columbia.


NACBHDD is the only national voice for county and local behavioral health and developmental disability authorities in Washington, DC. Through education, policy analysis, and advocacy, NACBHDD brings the unique perspective of our members to Congress and the Executive Branch.

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